Exhibitions and General College Unpar 2011
Cooperation with universities in Indonesia is one of the main activities of PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa. Cooperation in the form of work practices, factory visits, exhibitions and public lectures. In September 2011, the BEP to the show at Parahyangan University majoring in Architecture…
b-panel® to support Greenship assessment for your project by the Green Building Council Indonesia
Green Building Council Indonesia (GBCI) is a non-profit organization, which mission is to promote environmentally-friendly buildings in Indonesia. This organization…
Training HCS by Echo Engineering Belgium Team
In August 2009, PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa conduct training with the team from belgium Echo engineering to improve the production quality of the Hollow Core Slab (HCS). PT Beton Elemenindo Perkasa…
PT. Beton Elemenindo Putra wins 2012 Singapore Environmental Achievement Merit Award
Singapore Environmental Achievement Award (SEAA) is Singapore’s premier award to recognize companies which have shown commitment to environmental and social responsibilities. It is organized by…